
Originally posted August 3, 2018

I am writing today as I am supposed to be trading in my beautiful coffee trailer but I am not.

The trailer was not safe to be on the road. The title of this blog is risk.

I am not afraid of risk which is why I am in this predicament today. I ignorantly thought that the trailer was fine to use. I would like to disclose more information but I will leave it as that.

Risk is good. Risk has got me this far in my journey to building a business for myself and the community.

There is a fine line though. There is a difference between calculated risk and reckless risk. Take for example the great Alex Honold. He climbs these crazy mountains free solo. There is a lot of risk involved as one wrong move will result in falling to his death. What makes it a calculated risk for Alex is the preparation he does prior to doing these crazy solo climbs. He plans and plans and spends hours and hours on ropes figuring out certain moves until he can confidently complete the course without any aid.

What makes risk reckless is a lack of preparation. You cannot disregard any factors that could affect the outcome.

I have been a little too confident and carless in my venture thus far and I am now paying the price… Literally. I have a lot of unexpected costs that could have been resolved before this point where I am now on a knife edge.

BUT on the other hand I don’t think I would have gotten this far without some of that carless risk. The question you should ask yourself is can you handle the consequences of failure if you do take those risks.

Do not be afraid to try…. Unless of course you’re going to solo El Capitan. I would advise against that.

I wish you all the best in your future endaevours.