Originally posted 14 December 2018. Seek the struggle! I have been having a tough couple of weeks here in France. I have been alone a lot recently. I am taking on tasks that I have not been confident about. It has gotten me down at points but now as I am writing this I feel proud of myself that I have stuck to my guns and slowly figured things out. I have been struggling due to the lack of control I have been feeling. I have tasks to achieve and although I am achieving them in the process I have not felt confident before hand. When something is new it is uncomfortable, your mind has not experienced what you are...
Originally posted September 19, 2018 I feel that today it is far too easy to give up. Live is portrayed as a perfect paradise when really it is not. When using social media people use it as a tool to market themselves. They only post the best parts of their lives because thats ultimately what people want to see and believe life is when in reality it is not. I am guilty for this myself take for example my last post on my Facebook page. I wanted people to now that I was returning for a ski season in France where I will be living the high life. What I did not mention was that I had been unemployed for...
Originally posted August 21, 2018 So the story starts only 5 years ago. In that 5 years I have travelled to 48 countries. I have worked as a camp counsellor in the United States, I've been a ski rep/barman in a little ski village in France, and for the last 3 years I have been working for Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines for 3 years as a sports staff. It all started near the end of my university degree. I was sitting at my laptop procrastinating as per usual when I had a great idea. I was going to join the camp america program and work the summer as a camp counselor. I never really travelled before the age of 21...
Originally posted August 21, 2018 I wouldn’t be here today in a warm house with running water, electricity and heating, with wi-fi to broadcast my internal thoughts to potentially billions of people if it was not for adventure. Adventure is discovering new things by venturing where we have not been before and gaining new knowledge and wisdom. It is what has driven the human species from cave dwellers to internet bloggers. When most people think of adventure they imagine the most amazing feats of human capabilities such as summiting Mount Everest, an expedition to the North Pole or hiking through the amazonian jungle in the hunt for the tribes that modern day has eluded. "Adventure" in its official definition is...